We grow the chickens.

ProTen - We grow the chickens
ProTen - We grow the chickens
ProTen - We grow the chickens
ProTen - We grow the chickens
#1 meat chicken Grower in Australia

ProTen is Australia's largest corporate meat chicken grower.

At ProTen, we are driven by a simple but powerful mission, “We grow the chickens”. Our role is much more than just producing food—it’s about contributing to the health and well-being of every Australian. We are dedicated to helping our customers ensure that all Australians have access to an affordable, sustainable, healthy, and complete diet.

Team at Proten
Our People

Our people are our most important asset

At ProTen, we believe our people are our most important asset. Their dedication, expertise, and innovation drive our success. Our aim is to lead the industry in the operation, design, and construction of broiler chicken farms. Central to our success is a culture of continuous improvement, fostering collaboration among employees and stakeholders to implement innovative ideas and best practices.


Doing our bit for the community

Can Assist (Cancer Patients Assistance Society of NSW) is a grass roots, not-for-profit organisation operating in 55 plus towns across country NSW. These branches are operated by close to 3,000 members who are all volunteers from their respective communities.

Can Assist is an essential service for country NSW cancer patients. Compared to those in metropolitan areas, rural cancer patients are diagnosed later, are more likely to die and seventeen times more likely to report geographical and financial barriers to care. After all other available support options are utilised, significant gaps remain. Can Assist typically raise and deliver in excess of $2million dollars annually, equating to more than 10,000 calls for assistance.

ProTen is a bronze sponsor of Can Assist and actively participates in events such as City2Lake and Stryde4 Day